Posts Tagged ‘ education ’

Müllmonster / Garbage monster / søppelmonster


On the last days of the year I have had the pleasure to give a bunch of small “Müllmonster” or “Garbage Monsters” their own webpage. Müllmonster is a project by Urban Curator Jürgen Breiter in cooperation with üNN. During a couple of weeks in October and November 2011, 45 kids from 1.- 3. class at Erica Mann Grundschüle in Berlin-Wedding made a garbage expedition in their school neighborhood. Together with Jürgen they collected and analyzed their findings before creating 45 garbage monsters. Each monster is especially found of a certain kind of garbage and therefore have special attributes. All monsters will be available as stickers first thing in the new year!

Follow the Garbage Monsters and read more about the project here: www.mü

Das Projekt “Müllmonster” hat neulig eine eigene Webseite gekriegt wo die ganze kleine Monstern, gezeichnent von 45 Schülern aus 1. bis 3. Klasse der Erica Mann Grundschule in Berlin-Wedding gesehen werden können. Das Projekt ist von Urban Curator Jürgen Breiter im Kooperation mit üNN. 

UPDATE January 25th 
Here a few pictures from the day we gave each kid a pile of his/her own “Müllmonster-stickers”. Lots of fun! And immensely proud children with their self made toys! What was great to see was how they immediately started to swap and trade stickers instead of sticking (…pardon the pun) to their own.


Published today: Comparative Perspectives on Rural Development and Policy Challenges in Sogn og Fjordane

International Comparative Rural Policy Studies (ICRPS) proudly presents a freshly published report from ICRPS 2011 Sumer institute.

Bryden, JM., Refsgaard, K., Nordskog, K., Baardsen, S., Cappelen, KS.,
Lie, H., Soltani, A (Eds) (2011) Comparative Perspectives on Rural
Development and Policy Challenges in Sogn og Fjordane. NILF Report
2011-2. Oslo, NILF. [ISBN: 978-82-7077-808-9] (108 pages)

The report can be downloaded at under resources. see: NILF REPORT 2011 2



Slik lyder tittelen på min masteroppgave ved Universitetet for miljø- og biovitenskap (UMB), institutt for økonomi og ressursforvaltning. Oppgaven inngikk i et større Interreg-A vitensdelingsprosjekt, KASK:VIE, med norske og danske prosjektpartnere fra universitetssektoren og innovasjonsmiljøer i Skagerakk/Kategatt regionen. Oppgaven kan nå lastes ned i sin helhet som pdf. dokument på KASK:VIE´s hjemmeside under overskriften: Grenseoverskridende masteroppgave. Gå til 




Programme Draft ICRPS Summer Institute 2011

The International Comparative Rural Policy Studies (ICRPS) Summer Institute 2011 program is taking shape. A programme draft is now avaiable for downloading at our homepage HERE

As last yeare in Oregon, also this years Institute in Norway will be packed with lectures, discussions, group work, research and field trips around topics as food security, ecological sanitation, youth migration, demographic change, rural communities in transition and more.

We are working on putting together the best possible institute for both faculty and graduate / PhD students. If you are planning to apply for the summer institute, please don´t hesitate to get in contact.

PS: Please be aware that the program is preliminary and changes might occur within the next couple of weeks.


Understående en forklaring på hva begrepet “Coworking” er eller kan være. Definisjonen er resultat av et kompaktseminar om Coworking under ledelse av Jürgen Breiter. Seminaret inngikk i prosjektuken KOLLISJONER ved Kunsthøyskolen i Berlin (Universität der Künste – UdK). De deltagende var studerende fra ulike studieretninger ved UdK og Technische Universität (TU) Berlin. Tanken bak Kollisjonsuken er å arbeide interdisiplinært med tidsaktuelle temaer. Jeg var delaktig i å utvikle workshopdesignet og hadde gleden av å overvære alle prosjektgruppenes presentasjoner på UdK i dag, fredag 07.01.2011.

Kollisionseminar Universität der Künste Berlin 2011
Prof. Dr. habil. Susanne Hauser
Urban Curator, Dipl. Ing. Jürgen Breiter

COWORKING (norsk/Norwegisch)
”Coworking er en samtidsaktuell form for arbeidsorganisering. Arbeidsformen er basert på samvirke mellom små bedrifter og selvstendig næringsdrivende fra et mangfold bransjer og virkeområder. Et Coworking Space tilbyr den nødvendige infrastruktur og romlighet for profesjonelt arbeide.

I motsetning til et kontorfellesskap kan brukere av et Coworking Space dra nytte av fleksible tids- og prismodeller for arbeidsplasser og tjenester. I regelen kan en Coworker leie seg inn i et Coworking Space på fulltid eller velge fra et spekter av dags og timekontingenter. Utvalgte personer (hosts) fungerer som vert og kontaktperson. Coworkere deler ressurser og investeringer, – sted, materialer, tid, etc. hvilket muliggjør en profesjonell setting og gunstig arbeidsplass. Continue reading

2011 : DIY

Hunger and/for education…

During my jog yesterday I listened to an inspiring pod-cast interview with Madhu Sridhar on the topic of the correlation between hunger and (lack of) education. Sridhar is the president of Stanford’s Tech Award winner 2009 Akshay Patra. Akshay Patra is a social innovation enterprise working to reduce hunger in India, – which, according to the Global Hunger Index is nr 66 out of 88 countries listed….

Stanford´s Tech Award honours entrepreneurs who use technology to spark social change. Akshay Patra got the prize for their effort to utilize technology to improve the quality of food served school children all over India. Madhu Sridhar argues that due to the enterprises innovative way of preparing (“gravity-flow-kitchen”) and delivering the meals it only cost 28 dollar to feed a child for an entire academic year! Due to the size and economy of the country a business model like this obviously need to be scalable and you need to be able to produce at a low price. Akshay Patra´s take on the challenge is impressive and I was pleased to hear that they buy all the ingredients from locale markets, which is of course helping the local economy, especially in rural areas.